
Is Dublin 22 a postcode?

Yes, Dublin 22 is indeed a postcode, specifically part of the Eircode system used in Ireland. The Eircode system assigns unique codes to every address in the country, and Dublin 22 corresponds to the area of Clondalkin in South Dublin. This postcode helps in accurately identifying locations for services such as deliveries and navigation, streamlining the process of finding specific addresses within that region.

What is the Eircode for Dublin 22

The Eircode for Dublin 22 is D22. This code is used for the postal area of Clondalkin in South Dublin, helping to identify specific addresses for deliveries and services within that region. The Eircode system was implemented to provide unique codes for every address in Ireland, enhancing the efficiency of mail delivery and location identification.

What areas are covered by the D22 Eircode

Based on the search results, the D22 Eircode covers the following areas:

Dublin 22 (D22) includes these specific locations within South Dublin. This Eircode is part of the original Dublin postal districts that were incorporated into the new Eircode system when it was introduced in 2015.

How does Dublin 22 compare to other Dublin Eircodes

Based on the information provided in the search results, here’s how Dublin 22 (D22) compares to other Dublin Eircodes:


  • Like other Dublin Eircodes, D22 follows the standard format where “D” represents Dublin, followed by the two-digit postal district number.
  • This is consistent with other Dublin Eircodes such as D01, D08, D15, etc.

Geographic Coverage:

  • D22 covers most of Clondalkin, Rowlagh, Quarryvale, Liffey Valley, and Neilstown.
  • It’s part of the West Dublin postal codes, along with D10 (Ballyfermot, Cherry Orchard), D15 (Blanchardstown, Castleknock, Clonsilla, Carpenterstown), and D20 (Chapelizod, parts of Palmerstown).

Numbering System:

  • D22 is an even number, which typically indicates it’s on the Southside of the River Liffey. This is consistent with the general pattern where odd numbers are used for Northside addresses and even numbers for Southside addresses.

Eircode Integration:

  • Like other Dublin postal districts, D22 is incorporated into the Eircode system. The first three characters of Eircodes in this area would be “D22”, followed by four unique characters.

Administrative Area:

  • D22, along with D20 and D24, is part of the South Dublin County Council Local Authority area. This differs from some other Dublin postal codes which fall under different local authorities.

Proximity to Other Districts:

  • D22 is adjacent to other postal districts like D10, D20, and D24, forming part of the wider Dublin postal district network.

In summary, D22 follows the same structural and administrative patterns as other Dublin Eircodes, while covering its own unique geographic area within West Dublin.

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