Ballymount recycling centre - photos, reviews

Is Ballymount dump open today?

If you are looking for an answer whether Ballymount dump open today or not, you need to see information with opening hours for this recycling centre in Dublin.

And here is a quick answer:

Ballymount Civic Amenity site at Greenhills open 7 days a week, to facilitate the disposal of domestic waste where the householder does not avail of a door to door collection.

Ballymount dump opening times for 2024 year are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 5:00pm
  • Saturday – 9:00am to 5:30pm
  • Sunday and Bank Holidays – 9:30am to 5:00pm
Ballymount recycling centre - photos, reviews
Ballymount recycling centre – photos, reviews

Is there any other Recycling Centres in Dublin?

Coolmine recycling Centre Address: Coolmine Industrial Estate, Dublin.
North Strand Recycling Centre Address: Shamrock Terrace, North Strand, Dublin 1

4.7/5 (3 Reviews)