How much do foster parents get paid in Ireland

How much do foster parents get paid in Ireland?

The need for foster families in our country has grown immensely. A lot of children are needing urgent and immediate care. Advertising for foster families from private agencies in Ireland is even spreading to our social media sites urging people to take on this massive life changing role.

How much do foster parents get paid in Ireland
How much do foster parents get paid in Ireland

Interested to find information regarding how much foster parents get paid in Ireland? Here is all the relevant info about foster payments.

Weekly rates of Foster Care Allowance

You will receive an allowance each week to support the foster child in your home.

  • Foster payments for a child aged 0 – 12yrs – €325.00
  • Foster payments for a child aged 12yrs and over – €352.00

This allowance enables you to meet the needs of the foster child. In addition, as well as the payment that you will receive, foster agencies also provide training and other support to each and every one of the carers.

Fostering allowances payments for all foster carers in Ireland are set by the Minister for Children. They represent the maximum that can be paid by us or other independent fostering agencies.

What does the allowance cover?

The fostering allowance includes:

  • Food
  • Basic travel
  • Clothing
  • Household bills
  • Everyday living
  • Education costs
  • Special occasions such as birthdays and Christmas
  • Holidays and summer camps

Will I be taxed on the allowance?

Foster carers are exempt from paying tax on the fostering allowance in Ireland under the Finance Bill 2005. It also means that the money you receive is not usually classed as income when applying for certain benefits.

How long does it take to become a foster parent in Ireland?

Normally it takes around 6 months to go through the assessment process, although this largely depends on your personal circumstances.

What is the criteria for fostering?

Any person or family can apply to Tusla to be assessed as a foster parent or foster family.

Foster carers are a diverse group and may be single, married, in a same-sex relationship, employed, unemployed, renting, retired, or have a disability.

They may also be from different cultures, ethnic or religious backgrounds.

Becoming a foster carer is a very big decision and there are a number of things you need to know before deciding if now is your time to foster.

It takes a lot of time to get a handle on fostering and how the system really works.

The staged pictures they advertise can fairy-coat the reality of fostering. The hardest part is the children and where they have come from. Some may have been abused.

Their parents may suffer from substance abuse or are simply just unable to look after them. The love the children in the system have for their parents is so forgiving an amazing unconditional love. No matter what the parents have done; all they want is to go home. It can be heart breaking but it’s not about you, it’s about the kids.

Is the fostering system sufficient or should it be privatised if the pressure is that great?

The HSE do an amazing job but the only down fall is they are only available Monday to Friday office hours after that support is not available.

The reason for these rationed hours; funds are stretched beyond belief. Social workers are swamped with cases, with more being added every day. It is the sad reality of our lifestyles today.

What if a child cannot be placed with a foster family?

When a child cannot be placed by the HSE for whatever reason they request the private sector find that child or children a placement. Should that fail and the foster child cannot be placed in any suitable foster home the last step is a residential home for children.

Mostly these are children that end up in Residential Care because their behaviour is too challenging to be managed in any other care setting. This decision by the child’s social worker is not an easy decision to make and is not made lightly. 

Read more about some other services in Dublin:

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