How far is Swords from Dublin city Centre?


Swords is located approximately 13 kilometers (8 miles) north of Dublin city centre. Here are detailed transport options and routes between Swords and Dublin city centre:


    • Dublin Bus routes 33, 41, 41b, 41c, and 41x connect Swords to Dublin city centre.
    • Journey time: Approximately 45-60 minutes, depending on traffic.
    • Frequency: Buses run every 10-15 minutes during peak hours.
    • Route: Most buses travel via the Swords Road and O’Connell Street.

    Express Bus:

      • Swords Express (routes 500, 500x, 501, 501x, and 502) offers a faster service through the Dublin Port Tunnel.
      • Journey time: About 35 minutes.
      • Frequency: Every 15-20 minutes during peak hours.
      • Route: Travels via the M1 motorway and Dublin Port Tunnel.


        • Distance: 13 km via the M1 motorway and Port Tunnel.
        • Journey time: 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic.
        • Route: Take the M1 southbound, then use the Dublin Port Tunnel to reach the city centre.


          • Journey time: 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic.
          • Cost: Approximately €30-€40, depending on exact location and time of day.


            • Distance: About 13 km via the Swords Road.
            • Journey time: 45-60 minutes, depending on fitness level.
            • Route: Follow the Swords Road (R132) south into the city centre.

            Future Transport Option – MetroLink:

              • A proposed light rail line that would connect Swords to Dublin city centre.
              • Estimated journey time: 25 minutes from Swords to O’Connell Street.
              • As of 2024, this project is still in the planning stages with construction proposed to begin in 2025.

              While there is no direct rail connection currently, the closest DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) stations are Malahide and Donabate, which can be reached by bus from Swords. From these stations, you can take the DART to Dublin city centre in about 25-30 minutes.

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