Selecting an appropriate waste collection provider

Guide to managing waste


Here are some tips to manage your waste and make sure that you only use licensed waste collectors.

There are three things to be aware of:

  • Limit the amount of money that you own by only buying what is necessary.
  • Reuse whenever it is possible. Consider refilling and buying second-hand.
  • Recycle All that you can. Don’t spend money on things that aren’t recyclable.

Did we tell you?

* Recycling one plastic beverage bottle will save energy and power a computer for 25 mins.

* Recycling plastic saves twice the amount of energy than burning it at an incinerator.

* Plastic carrier bags may be returned to some supermarkets for reuse.

* Please place all recyclable materials in your recycling bin in their original containers and not in plastic bags.

* To make an adult fleece coat, you need 25 two-litre plastic containers

How do you organise your waste?

Step 1

  • Hiring a waste contractor is advisable. It is essential that you verify the authorization of any company that handles your refuse.
  • The householder retains ownership of the waste until it is picked up by an authorized collector. If the bag or bin is left out and is blown around by dogs or birds, you, as the householder, are still responsible until the collector collects it.
  • Be wary of bogus collectors

Step 2

Before any householder engages a waste collector (whether for kerb side collection for household rubbish, bags for discarded clothes, furniture, soil etc.), it is important to ask the right questions.

  • What do you need to know about a Waste Collection Permit? Each permit will have a number starting with NWCPO/WCO–WW. If they can’t prove this, then you shouldn’t use them. You might be breaking the law.
  • What are your charges, and how will you be charging me? Because of recent changes in the way household waste is collected, household waste charges will be based on the amount of waste collected.
  • What sort of recycling is it?

Step 3

For food waste, all waste collectors will now be required to provide a brown container service.

Another option is to buy a composter and reuse your organic material. Your waste can be safely composted if it is less than a third. You can compost your fruit and vegetable scraps as well grass cuttings.

Step 4

Decide what you will do with your recycled materials. You can get a recycling collection service from your home but they might not accept all your items. Place the recyclables in a designated area of your house, garage, or shed. Be sure to dry them. Recycling means that the materials will be used to make new goods. They must also be in good condition so they can be used again.

Step 5

It is important to ensure hazardous materials are safely stored and properly disposed off. Keep an ear out for the next hazardous material collection announcements.

Step 6

You need to properly store waste in order to prevent it from causing harm to the environment.

Waste Framework Directive

The Waste Framework Directive describes the fundamental requirements for handling waste, and defines what “waste”. It states that EU member-states must:

  • It is important to ensure that the disposal of and recovery from waste doesn’t pose a risk for water, air, soil or other animals.
  • You should not permit waste disposal to be a nuisance to the public through excessive noise levels and unpleasant odours.
  • Prohibit the uncontrolled or deliberate dumping of waste
  • Make sure you have a well-organized network of waste disposal sites, plan waste management, store the waste properly and license all those involved in waste treatment.
  • Require waste collectors have special authorisations and keep records
  • Conduct inspections of companies involved with waste collection or disposal
  • Regular inspections should be performed
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